Friday, May 6, 2011

Jay Spearing rewared with new deal

Jay Spearing against Real Madrid
The young midfielder has been rewarded for his fine form with a new three-year deal at the club. Spearing has formed a very impressive partnership with Lucas in the center of the park and has capitalized on the absence of his captain, Steven Gerrard, through injury.

Damien Comolli, Liverpool's Director of Football, said:

"He has worked hard and has done very well"

"He won his place in the team on merit and has showed in the last games that he can raise his game to what we need."

This weekend the youngster looks set to make his 14th start for Liverpool's first team this season. Kenny has taken notice as Spearing has put in some very strong performances against Arsenal and Manchester City. In the last month Kenny has injected many youngsters into the team including Jay Spearing, Jack Robinson and John Flanagan.

Spearing was set to enter the final year of his contract in the up coming season but, like another youngster Martin Kelly, he has pledged his long term future to Liverpool with his new contract.

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