Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dalglish: Lucas deserves a song from the KOP

Lucas playing for Liverpool last season
Liverpool manager, Kenny Dalglish, believes Lucas finally deserves his own song from the famous KOP. He has called on the supporters to reward Lucas for the brilliant form he has been in this season.

Lucas wasn't exactly loved by the supporters when he first arrived and he looked set for an exit in the last couple of years, but the Brazilian has really turned it around and can be considered one of Liverpool's players of the season for his fine form.

Kenny talked ahead of a pre-match conference and said: "He's been in good form since I came in here. He's also signed an extended contract and is playing really well. Him and Jay (Spearing) have got a really good partnership in the middle of the pitch."

"It would be nice if supporters could think up a song for Lucas as a reward for the fantastic work he has done recently. I don't know what it could be but there must be something there for him."

"He's only a young boy as well. He's played lots of games for a young boy. He's really developed. He's in the Brazil team and that's a good enough testament for us."

"What he has done for us is very important and he's been brilliant since I came in. You can see he has belief in his own performances. You can see that getting in the Brazil team and being settled - his wife having a  little boy - means his whole world is happy at the moment and that is reflected on the pitch."

I won't lie, I wasn't the biggest Lucas fan when he first arrived and at times I did give him a fair share of stick for his performances. However, I'm really impressed with how well he has matured and improved over the last 18 months, which have been a really tough 18 months around the club, and he has also shown he can be a leader. I for one will be looking forward to whatever song the KOP can think of as they are always brilliant. Congrats to Lucas on his baby boy and the best of luck to him in the future. YNWA!

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